The College of Fine Arts (CFA) and Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR) are seeking proposals for Arts Research + Resilience Project Grants. Proposals due Nov. 4, 2024, at 5p.
CFA and AIR will fund projects which utilize arts research methods to advance AIR’s mission of supporting interdisciplinary groups, including with off-campus partners, to address resilience in our natural and human communities. AIRES themes within the FY22-FY24 TRIF/Water, Environmental, and Energy Solutions (WEES) initiative cover a wide range of research area. Particularly relevant for the arts are:
The program is designed to support integrative arts research projects which have received previous funding and need additional support to proceed to external proposals. However proposals for projects without previous funding, but show strong promise for external funding, will also be considered.
- Research in the Arts
- Integrative Arts Research Fellowships (due Oct. 14)
Eligibility and Funding Maximum
Individuals or teams are eligible to apply for up to $20,000. U of A faculty, continuing-eligible academic professionals, continuing status academic professionals, and/or research scientists across all disciplines and levels are eligible to apply.
- Sept. 30 – Request for proposals released
- Oct. 28 – Budgets due to unit business managers
- Nov. 4 – Proposals due for submission (see below)
- Nov. 18 – Recipients notified
- February – Convening to share projects in progress
- May – Convening to discuss outcomes, external proposal plans
- June 15 – All funds must be spent.
Funding Source
As the grant has been awarded through the TRIF/WEES initiative, funded by Arizona taxpayers, projects that demonstrate a clear benefit to Arizona citizens (or a subset therein) will be prioritized. Benefits may include new external funding coming to the state; training of the future workforce (students, teachers, postdocs); new community partnerships or assistance, new products or services that benefit people in the state.
Funding may be used for:
- Short-term hourly U of A student wages and associated ERE
- U of A research technical staff, graduate students, ERE and tuition and fees (when applicable)
- Up to two weeks summer salary/supplemental comp for research scientists and pre-tenure faculty
- Short-term outside contracts (such as for graphics, websites, facilitator, consultants etc.)
- Honoraria and participant stipends
- Meeting, workshop, and event costs
- RII Core Facility use fees and other analytical and lab fees
- Supplies and support of field work
- Specialized equipment pertaining specifically to the project
- Travel
Criteria for Review:
- Relevance to AIRs interests in cross-and trans-disciplinary groups working together, including with off-campus partners, to advance resilience in our natural and human communities.
- Relevance to College of Fine Arts mission to integrate the arts into the university’s research mission and enterprise.
- Clarity of the procedures and timeline, including a line-itemized budget with justification.
- Feasibility of proposed work to start promptly and be accomplished within the time constraints of the funding.
- Strong match with specified external funding agencies.
- Likelihood for project to secure external support.
- Applicant/team qualification to carry out the scope of proposed activities.
How to Apply
Please combine the following into a single pdf file for submittal to Ellen McMahon.
- Two-page (maximum) proposal that includes:
- Statement of specific aims and objectives
- The significance of the proposed project, including relevance to missions of AIR and CFA
- Approach/ methods
- Expected outcomes and impacts
- Expected returns, including positioning for specific external funding opportunities, technology transfer, and/or benefits to Arizona
- Supporting Materials:
- One page CV of all participants for each PI and key collaborators, highlighting work relevant to this proposal.
- 250-word abstract.
- Budget and budget justification (see below)
- Confirmation from the appropriate business manager in your school, department or unit that your budget has been reviewed and is correct at the time of submission. For this confirmation, an email PDF is acceptable if the email includes the total dollar amount requested (submit to appropriate business manager by October 28th to allow time for this process).
Budget and Budget Justification Details
Prepare a separate detailed budget and justification using the Excel Budget Template with line-item listing of all relevant categories for expenses and income, such as:
- Personnel: Provide justification for wages and include ERE for all eligible personnel.
- Honoraria or guest artist fees: Provide details on fees and identify groups to be impacted (e.g. student groups, classes, community audiences, etc.).
- Equipment: Specify items and amounts. Items purchased may be used exclusively by applicant but remain the property of the University of Arizona.
- Supplies and materials: Specify items and amounts.
- Other sources of funding and earned income: Sources may include, but not be limited to, other units at the University of Arizona, other institutions, local or national grants, in-kind support, funding from individuals, etc.
Final Report
Recipients of grants will be expected to file a brief report on the use of the funds within 60 days of the completion of the project. The report should include project outcomes, a final budget listing actual versus projected funds, and progress towards external funding.
Questions? Contact:
Ellen McMahon
Associate Dean for Research
College of Fine Arts