Through the transformative experience of first-hand encounters with original works of art, university art museums are places of discovery, wonder, and enjoyment. University art museums catalyze new research, foster interdisciplinary experimentation, and provide innovative opportunities for teaching and learning across all disciplines.

University art museums are ‘anchors’ in their communities. They offer formal and informal learning opportunities for all, create a sense of belonging and civic engagement, and contribute to economic growth and social wellbeing.

Our goal is simple yet powerful

A new, state-of-the-art museum to serve as a vibrant hub for teaching and learning, research and innovation, and community engagement in and through the visual arts.

For over four decades, UAMA has been accredited by the American Alliance of Museum (AAM), the highest national recognition afforded the nation’s museums. Less than four percent of all museums in the United States are accredited, an accomplishment of the highest quality educational programming, exhibitions, and collections.

The new UAMA, to be located nearby on Speedway Boulevard, will include classrooms and flexible spaces for public programming and events, transforming the nature and scope of educational and community engagement opportunities within the museum and creating a vital creative hub for campus.

Support Our Vision … Learn More Here


Arizona Arts Fundraising Priorities

Student Success | Increase scholarships, improve retention, and prepare students for life after graduation.

Faculty Excellence | Increase resources for endowed chairs and professorships to recruit and retain faculty.

Increase Research | Increase resources for faculty to enhance their research and tackle grand challenges.

All divisional campaign priorities fall under these themes:

  • Equity in the Arts
  • Arts and Technology
  • Arts and Wellbeing
  • Arts and the Environment

Help Us Share the Power of the Arts

Arizona Arts was established to provide an accessible way for everyone to experience the transformative power of the arts. Your contribution allows us to continue expanding our reach and develop innovative programming and partnerships that reflect and celebrate our unique community.

Only through donations like yours can we accomplish our mission of delivering memorable arts experiences to all members of our community. Please consider giving the gift of art by becoming a sustaining donor or making a one-time contribution.

Contribute Now!