Organizer: School of Art
Venue: Lionel Rombach Gallery
Start Time: 10:00am
Non Event Dates: Closed every Monday, Saturday and Sunday

• Location: 1031 N. Olive Road
• Hours: 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Tuesday-Friday

“Borderland Masks” is a collaborative project developed by MFA candidate Andrés Caballero with the support of the Mellon-Fronteridades Graduate Fellowship.

It began with oral history recordings that culminated in a series of multimedia pieces telling the stories of a group of Lucha Libre wrestling fans around the US/Mexico border. The exploration of this tradition within the context of the borderlands emphasizes its role as a cultural and social force.

By collaborating with the Lucha Libre community and delving into the personal stories of its followers, the exhibition fosters a greater understanding of this folkloric practice and its impact on individual and collective identities.

Caballero is a graduate student in the School of Art’s Photography, Video and Imaging program.

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