Venue: The Rialto Theatre
Start Time: 8:00pm

Doors 7 PM | Show 8 PM
All ages experience

Embark on a 60-year musical legacy with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, five-time Grammy winners spreading messages of peace and love. With a deep respect for cultural and personal history, they return to the Old Pueblo for an evening of uplifting South African rhythms and harmonies taking center stage at the Rialto Theatre.

For over 60 years, the five-time Grammy-winning group Ladysmith Black Mambazo has captivated global audiences with messages of peace, love, and harmony. Formed in the early 1960s, their name symbolizes the founder’s hometown (Ladysmith), strength (Black, like oxen), and the ability to triumph over rivals (Mambazo, Zulu for chopping ax). Specializing in isicathamiya, a traditional music style developed in South African mines, the group reflects the cultural resilience of black workers who, despite harsh conditions, found solace in music during weekends away from home. In the mid-1980s, Paul Simon collaborated with them, introducing their rich harmonies to mainstream audiences through his landmark Graceland album, a pivotal moment in the popularization of World Music.

Their musical efforts over the past five decades have garnered praise and accolades from a wide body of people, organizations, and countries. The late former South African president Nelson Mandela designated the group “South Africa’s cultural ambassadors to the world,” a title the members carry with them with the highest honor. In 2018, the group received two Grammy Award nominations for two separate albums, a first in the history of World Music. These two nominations brought their career total to 19 Grammy nominations.

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Presented together with the Rialto Theatre


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