Lesbian Looks & DocScapes in collaboration with Hanson FilmTV Institute presents Jean Carlomusto’s Esther Newton Made Me Gay

ESTHER NEWTON MADE ME GAY explores the life and times of cultural anthropologist Esther Newton. Throughout her career, Esther was a pioneer – questioning and challenging status quo assumptions on gender, sexuality and anthropological methods. Her work inspired generations of scholars to pursue research in what would eventually become the field of LGBTQ+ and Gender Studies.

The film will be followed by a post-screening Q&A with Director Jean Carlomusto and Esther Newton.

Screening with the short film I (heart) Jack LaLanne: A Cartoon Memoir by LeAnn Erickson

Featuring a playful aesthetic and humorous tone, the filmmaker- a lesbian feminist baby boomer- uses animation and exercise guru Jack LaLanne to explore the impact of role models on children, coming out as gay in a less tolerant era, and dealing with a late-in-life disability.

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