Explore Spring 2024 funding opportunities for College of Fine Arts faculty projects and research with upcoming submission deadlines.
Unlock the Udall Center Fellowships, a creative sabbatical with a Jan 30 deadline. Dive into Research, Innovation and Impact Production Grants, offering up to $20,000 for diverse projects. Fuel your artistic pursuits, from innovative, research projects to skill development with a College of Fine Arts’ Small Grant, next submission deadline, Feb 2. Apply now to elevate your impact.
Udall Center Fellowships
Applications Due | Jan 30
The Udall Center Fellowship program offers a semester off from normal teaching, thus allowing for creative scholarship and pursuit of funds.
The College of Fine Arts (CFA) and the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy are pleased to announce the Fine Arts component of the 2024-25 Udall Center Faculty Fellows Program. These fellowships are made possible by support from CFA. One fellowship will be available. Since the program’s inception in 1990, the Center has hosted 173 fellows representing 49 schools, departments or centers and spanning 12 colleges at the University of Arizona.
The primary purpose of the fellowship is to support development of a project with public policy relevance. Topics may span the range of public policy and need not relate to Udall Center activities. During the term of the fellowship, fellows are required to develop at least one proposal for external support to further the research agenda. External support may consist of a grant, contract, or fellowship from any source outside of the University of Arizona. Over the course of the Udall fellowship, the fellow will work with Research Development Services (RDS) in RII to target, develop, and submit the proposal. By the end of the fellowship term, the Fellow will either have submitted a proposal or prepared a complete proposal draft (depending on submission due date).
Eligibility. The 2024-25 competition is open to tenured/tenure eligible or continuing/continuing eligible CFA faculty who will not be taking a sabbatical or other leave during the same academic year.

CFA Small Grants
Ongoing, Next Deadline Feb 2
These funds are awarded five times a year to applicants who have submitted complete applications by the appropriate deadline. Grants average between $500 and $1,000 with a maximum of $5,000 in rare circumstances. The grant process is a competitive one, and funds are limited. Applicants are encouraged to show financial support from other sources, which may include personal funds. First-time applicants will receive preference over repeat submissions by past recipients, and collaborations across Fine Arts Schools are encouraged.
- Funding requests for materials, equipment, supplemental compensation, personnel, or visiting artists
- Seed money for new program initiatives or interdisciplinary projects that support strategic objectives of the college
- Opportunities for faculty or staff to develop new skills in technology, teaching, or their area of specialization.
- Invited or juried exhibitions, performances, or conference presentations.
Research, Innovation & Impact (RII) Production Grants
Applications Due | April 3
Recognizing that scholarly activity at the University of Arizona spans multiple fields and mediums, RII offers dedicated seed grants to aid in the production of original works and scholarship. This funding may be used for costs associated with producing a product, performance, or installation, e.g., time in a recording studio, film and videography expenses, installation expenses, travel, and other expenses related to the production of innovative scholarship.
Track 1: Single Investigator Award: Investigators may request up to $15,000
Track 2: Team Award: Teams may request up to $20,000
Previously funded CFA projects …