In 2022, we began developing Arizona Arts’ first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Roadmap, a multi-phase process aimed at further aligning our values with visible actions, our statements with concrete outcomes, our ideals with equitable impacts. Progress toward creation of the EDI Roadmap is reported here.

The Associate Vice President for Equity in the Arts provides leadership and coordination for all roadmap-related activities and ensures progress reports are transparently communicated to stakeholders and members of the Arizona Arts community.
PHASE 4: Collaborative Visioning and Planning
In spring 2023, we conducted an inclusive climate survey (ICS). All undergraduate and graduate majors, faculty, and staff from the schools, the presenting and engagement units, and fine arts administration were invited to participate. It was an enormous collective effort to generate baseline metrics and qualitative feedback about how individuals with different backgrounds, identities, and viewpoints experience the overall climate, opportunities and resources for success, and feelings of belonging in our academic, presenting and administrative units. It was the first survey of its kind at Arizona Arts.
As part of the EDI Roadmap Phase 4, there are many opportunities in the 2023-2024 academic year to engage with the ICS results. With shared leadership from the Arizona Arts D&I Committee members and unit directors, each school/unit will conduct Data Dialogues, a series of deep-dive conversations about key findings from the ICS. Using these data and other sources of information, the schools/units will then develop an evidence-based action plan.
Phase 4 is a collaborative process for charting Arizona Arts’ unique path forward in ensuring excellence in the arts is inclusive and reflects the University of Arizona’s larger mission and values. The time line for these next steps is as follows:

1. Leadership Workshop
ICS workshop for Arizona Arts senior leadership and D&I committee
Nov. 3, 2023
2. 2023 Survey Results
Summary and detailed reports from Arizona Arts Inclusive Climate Survey published
Jan. 1-15, 2024
3. Data Dialogues 2.0
Arizona Arts Live, Center for Creative Photography, and University of Arizona Museum of Art Staff
Jan. 31, 9:00-10:30 AM at Centennial Hall
School of Art Faculty & Staff
Feb. 2, 1:45-4:00 PM at ENR2 Building
School of TFTV Faculty & Staff
Feb. 16, 8:30-10:00 AM at Marshall Building 211
School of Dance Faculty & Staff
Feb. 19, 2:00-3:30 PM at Gittings Building
School of Music Faculty & Staff
Feb. 21, 11:00-11:50 AM at Music Building 232
Fine Arts Administration Staff
Mar. 5, 11:00-1:00 PM at Drama Building 114
College of Fine Arts Students-only
Mar. 22, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at Drama Building 114
4. Action Planning
Units use full data packet and planning template to determine priorities, actions, and outcomes
Feb. 16 – Mar. 30, 2024
5. Plan Review
Unit plans reviewed and ratified in alignment with Arizona Arts Inclusive Excellence Framework
Apr. 1-30, 2024