Venue: University of Arizona Museum of Art
Start Time: 10:00am
Non Event Dates: Closed every Monday and Sunday

In October 1924, French poet André Breton published the first Surrealist Manifesto and marked the birth of a movement.

Breton — considered a founder of Surrealism — defined it as “pure psychic automatism,” transcending reason to delve into the unconscious mind. In the context of visual art, it is associated with impossible images and juxtapositions, revealing personal thoughts, dreams, and intricacies of the artist’s subconscious.

Though the movement originated in Europe, it had a profound influence on American art, with the first major exhibition of Surrealism held in 1936 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Reception was mixed, with some admiring the strange and fantastical imagery and others disturbed by the revolt against conformity.

The artworks included in this UAMA exhibition showcase influences and participants in the movement from the mid 1920s to 1980, emphasizing the diffusion of Surrealist ideas and techniques in the American consciousness.

This exhibition curated by Violet Rose Arma, curatorial assistant, is supported by the Jack and Vivian Hanson Endowment with Spanish translations provided by Jaime Fatás-Cabeza.

Creation, Joseph Marsh Sheridan, 1946, Oil on canvas, Gift of the Artist
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