1. Over, Under, Through.

    In this collaborative drawing exhibition, visitors of all skill levels are welcome to draw directly on the wall of the Lionel Rombach Gallery with the provided materials. Visitors can draw as realistically or abstract as they’d like. “Over, Under, Through” was organized by the University of Arizona School of Art Galleries and First Year Experience […]

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  2. Medici Mondays: Galen Dara Smith

    Galen Dara Smith participated in a five-week illustration residency at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, thanks to the College of Fine Arts Medici Circle donors. Smith is a second year MFA student in the illustration, design, and animation program at the School of Art. This summer they worked closely with professional […]

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  3. Art Education Research Institute National Symposium

    The School of Art’s Art & Visual Culture Education program will host the Art Education Research Institute’s annual national symposium Oct. 19-21. The Art Education Research Institute (AERI) supports critical, systematic, empirical, and theoretical research and scholarship. That research addresses key intellectual and practical issues in the field of art education. AERI seeks to promote […]

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  4. Medici Mondays: Deborah Ruiz

    Deborah Ruiz went to the Penland School of Craft to hone in on her typography skills, thanks to support from the College of Fine Arts Medici Circle donors. Ruiz is a MFA candidate in the School of Art. Medici Mondays: Deborah Ruiz She spent her time at Penland, in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North […]

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