1. 2023-24 VASE lineup features four top artists, scholars

    Marking its 16th season, the University of Arizona School of Art’s Visiting Artists and Scholars Endowment series will feature acclaimed artists and educators Vincent Valdez, Kim Cosier, Kelli Anderson and Suchitra Mattai in 2023-24. The free, hour-long VASE presentations will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Center for Creative Photography auditorium, 1030 N. Olive Road. Here’s the lineup: […]

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  2. Para Seguir Adelante: Stories of Migration

    The University of Arizona School of Art presents “Para Seguir Adelante: Stories of Migration” at the Lionel Rombach Gallery, featuring artists Lisa Elmaleh, Luis Sotero, Moysés Zúñiga Santiago and Anahí González Terán. Join the school for a community roundtable on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 5:30 p.m. with photographer Lisa Elmaleh; Isabel Garcia, founder of La Coalición de Derechos Humanos; and Raquel Rubio […]

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  3. Roots of Resilience

    The University of Arizona School of Art and the Lionel Rombach Gallery present the first exhibition of the 2023-2024 school year, “Roots of Resilience.” This exhibition features artwork by undergraduate students, Lyrissa T., Linda, Garcia Escobar and Gem Elena Abarca. “Roots of Resilience” delves into their personal histories and investigates the roots connected to their identities. As members […]

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  4. Ecotone: Between Nature and Art

    Four contemporary artists working in drawing, painting and photography — including School of Art Professor Ellen McMahon — are part of an exhibition, “Ecotone: Between Nature and Art,” at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum from June 17 to Aug. 13. An ecotone is a transition zone where ecological systems meet and mingle as they transition from one ecosystem […]

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